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Bringing Back American Investment

The run on Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023 was a shock to both policymakers and business leaders, revealing previously unknown fragilities within the banking system. But the significance of Read more…

A Populism Deferred

Trump’s transitional presidency lacked the vision and agenda necessary to let go of GOP orthodoxy.

U.S. Capitol Building at Dusk.
Steps in the Right Direction: Two Proposals for Funding U.S. Semiconductor Foundries

There are many reasons to be pessimistic about the future of this country at the moment, and most of them are hard to ignore. But there are also new glimmers of hope appearing in important areas, even if they don’t get much media attention.

Recovering the American Tradition of Economic Policy

American Compass’s Wells King and Oren Cass and American Affairs’ Julius Krein summarize their arguments from Rebooting the American System in this short adaptation.

Planning for When the Market Cannot

The fact that government planners are not omniscient is obvious, but it does not automatically follow that planning is always ineffective. Perfect information is simply not a precondition of successful planning in either the private or the public sectors.
