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The End of Job Growth

Declining fertility is already harming the labor market

Conservatives Need a Positive Governing Vision

Americaā€™s problems canā€™t be solved by only addressing what government shouldnā€™t do.

Conservatives Should Care About Cities

Both as electoral targets and as centers of governance, cities hold untapped potential for conservatives.

Tax Cuts Aren’t a Magic Bullet for Red States

The traditional Republican playbook for state success is too simplistic.

Coming Apart in the Hoosier State

Farah Stockmanā€™s new book, American Made: What Happens to People When Work Disappears, documents the closure and relocation of an Indianapolis Rexnord bearing plant to Mexico and Texas. Stockman, a New York Times reporter, was assigned to cover the Rexnord plant after then-candidate Trump tweeted about its pending closure and the scheduled relocation of a nearby Carrier plant to Mexico in 2016.
