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The New Republican

Trump’s win is a victory for the new party of the multi-ethnic working class

Mapping Out the 2024 Stakes

House control, often overlooked, could be deeply consequential post-election

Can “Kamalamania” Continue to Election Day?

The experience of New Zealand’s former PM Jacinda Ardern holds clues

The Meaning of Liberty

Republicans and conservatives rightly love liberty. That’s why so many have difficulty engaging with the new conservative economics and domestic policy propounded by American Compass and politicians including Senators Marco Read more…

Marco Rubio Gets It. Our Economic Addiction to China Is a National Security Threat.

Henry Olsen discusses Sen. Rubio’s remarks at American Compass’s inaugural Henry Clay Lecture in Political Economy.

The Three Deadly Sins of the Right

Market Fundamentalism. Snobbery. Hubris.
