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Rising Krystal & Saagar Logo
Oren Cass Calls Out Libertarian Who Thinks Harvard Shouldn’t Pay Food Workers

American Compass’s Oren Cass talks about extraordinary measures the government needs to take in the economic crisis to generate growth and prosperity for the future.

Saving the American Economy—Why Congress Needs to Pass a Stimulus Package Immediately

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins Congressman Dan Crenshaw to discuss stimulus measures which would bring desperately needed economic relief to Americans in the age of COVID-19.

The WSJ Freaks After Domestic Policy Expert Appears on Rising

American Compass’s Oren Cass responds to the Wall Street Journal’s negative coverage of his analysis on America’s economic challenges.

And Now a Word for Laissez-Faire

Columnist Bill McGurn criticizes American Compass for using the term “market fundamentalism” to “squash debate.”

The Anti-Free Market Conservative

Columnist Bill McGurn accuses American Compass of “name calling” and laments that analysis of the challenges facing American families “can lead to rhetoric that at times can sound an awful lot like Bernie Sanders.”

The Cost of Thriving: Talking with Oren Cass

What does it cost for a family to thrive? Oren Cass joins The Chris Buskirk Show to talk about his work to define this.

A New Conservative Think Tank Challenges ‘Market Fundamentalism’

American Compass’s Wells King discussed his views on public policy and the goals of American Compass with National Review’s Daniel Tenreiro.

Finding True North Ideas in the Trump Era—And Beyond

The challenge for Cass is to help restore conservative ideas to their proper primacy — the conservatism of Main Street, that is, not the libertarian pseudo-conservatism that so often trickles down from plutocratic donors.

Realignment Logo
Introducing American Compass

Oren Cass joins The Realignment to announce American Compass, his new organization that’s arguing for a new conservative approach to economics.

Washington Post
Conservative Intellectuals Launch a New Group To Challenge Free-Market ‘Fundamentalism’ on the Right

Oren Cass believes conservatives have blundered by outsourcing GOP economic policymaking to libertarian “fundamentalists” who see the free market as an end unto itself, rather than as a means for improving quality of life to strengthen families and communities.
