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Critics Corner with Stephanie Slade

On the first episode of Critics Corner, Oren is joined by Stephanie Slade, managing editor of Reason magazine. They discuss the importance of liberty to the common good, whether government should fund research or infrastructure, the meaning of free trade in the context of China, and quite a bit more.

Family Financial Security: Sen. Romney on the Rightā€™s Fight to Support Our Most Important Institution

Senator Mitt Romney joins us for a conversation about what draws him to family benefits, why he thinks conservatives should embrace the Family Security Actā€™s approach, how he sees this debate fitting into the broader one about the right-of-centerā€™s future.

Oren Cass and Matt Bruenig Debate Child Benefit Reform

Executive director Oren Cass and Matt Bruenig of the People’s Policy Project join the Solidarity Policy Podcast to debate child benefits, the Romney plan, and more.

The Once and Future Right

Executive Director Oren Cass joins The Dispatch Podcast to discuss the mission of American Compass, the future of conservatism, and family policy.

Oren Cass on Balancing Conservative Principles With Working-Class Priorities

Executive Director Oren Cass joins The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss how conservatives can reconcile their principles with the priorities of the working class.

Building Family Policy Around Parent Preferences

American Compass research director Wells King discusses the results of the 2021 Home Building Survey that show how parents prefer to balance work and childcare.

Wells King on The Resistance Library Podcast

American Compass research director Wells King joins Sam Jacobs to discuss labor unions, the free market, and the proper role of government.

Trade After Trump: A Post-Mortem with Former USTR Robert Lighthizer

Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer joins American Compass executive director Oren Cass for a conversation about his work as the U.S. Trade Representative, the overhaul of America’s economic relationship with China, successes achieved and lessons learned, and key challenges facing the Biden administration.

What Next: A Multi-Ethnic, Working-Class Conservatism

Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Anthony Gonzalez join American Compass executive director Oren Cass for a conversation about how to build a conservative agenda that appeals to a multi-ethnic, working-class base.

What Happened: The Trump Presidency in Review

Ross Douthat of the New York Times, Rachel Bovard of the Conservative Partnership Institute, and Oren Cass of American Compass speak with Arthur Bloom of The American Conservative about what they see as the key lessons of the Trump administration.

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What Is the Future of the Conservative Movement After the 2020 Election?

Following the 2020, election, American Compassā€™s Oren Cass and AEIā€™s Matt Continetti discussed where the conservative movement goes next.

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Yoram Hazony Hosts Oren Cass on NatConTalk

American Compass’s Oren Cass speaks with Yoram Hazony about economic nationalism and what a conservative economic policy should look like.

CQ Future: Unions

American Compass’s Oren Cass talks with Jim Saksa about how unions should be reinvented and not abandoned by conservatives.

Government Of, By, and For the Elite

The authors of ā€œDignityā€ and ā€œHillbilly Elegyā€ reflect on Ruy Teixeira and Henry Olsenā€™s essays, describe the dynamics that lead to a politics disconnected from the economic and cultural mainstream, and identify possible glimmers of hope.

The Conservative Case for Unions & the Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins The Realignment to discuss how the GOP can reconcile with organized labor and how the left and right should rethink their approach to economics.

Financialization in America

In this episode, Washington Free Beacon editor Aaron Sibarium and small business investor Sam Long discuss the financialization of American business culture and its impacts on our economy and society.

Corporate Actual Responsibility, with Sen. Josh Hawley

Senator Josh Hawley talks with American Compass executive director Oren Cass about the empty platitudes and hypocrisy of ā€œwoke capitalā€ and why conservatives must work to prioritize the needs of workers and families in their economic policy agenda.

What a Post-Trump Republican Party Might Look Like

Ezra Klein interviews American Compass’s Oren Cass about challenging the right-wing economic orthodoxy and its quasi-religious veneration of markets, and focusing instead on clear social goals that put families first, eschew economic growth as the be-all-end-all of policymaking, and recognize the inescapability of government intervention in the economy.

Podcast: The Return of Conservative Economics

American Compass’s Oren Cass and Wells King join the Bill Walton Show to discuss Rebooting the American System.

Special Episode of The Editors: Rich Lowry and Oren Cass

Rich Lowry interviews Oren Cass about the launch of American Compass.
