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The American Appetite for Government

Even among Republicans, few can identify major areas where they’d like government to do less

The Family Policy Renaissance, Explained

Republicans, Independents, and the working and middle classes respond to the pressures facing working families

How the Biden White House Cornered Itself

The president’s polarizing policies are ones that divide Democrats and the upper class from everyone else

Issues 2024: Globalization

Revitalizing the national economy must begin with restoring the incentive to invest and build in America.

The American Rejection of Globalization

While many economists continue to insist that globalization has benefited the United States, the American people do not agree.

Issues 2024: Wall Street

For the American economy to boom again, financial markets will have to return to their proper role promoting productive investment.

Issues 2024: Industrial Policy

A strong industrial base is vital to workers and their communities, the rate of technological and economic progress, and national security.

Issues 2024: Worker Power

For 50 years, businesses have been finding ways to succeed while offering fewer secure jobs to American workers, leading to surging growth and profits while wages stagnated.

Issues 2024: Middle-Class Security

Stagnating wages have prevented workers from keeping up with the costs of attaining middle-class security in America.

Labor Market Not Yet Working for Workers

New data on job quality and worker views on unions

The New Conservative Voter

A realignment that focuses the Republican Party on pro-worker economic policy is well underway

A Hard Break from China

Protecting the American Market from Subversion by the CCP

Policy Brief: Back to Basics for Corporate Finance

Ban stock buybacks and repeal business interest deductibility

Policy Brief: End “Permanent Normal Trade Relations” with China

Reclaiming control of U.S. trade policy

Policy Brief: A Domestic Development Bank

Financing American industrial development

Policy Brief: Guestworker Phasedowns

Ending temporary worker programs that depress American wages

A Guide to Labor Supply

For more than half a century, productivity, GDP, and profit have risen together. Wages have not followed suit.

Policy Brief: Mandatory E-Verify

Maintaining tight labor markets for American workers

Policy Brief: Making Social Media Safe for Kids

Attack social media’s dangerous design features

Policy Brief: Pre-Competitive R&D Consortia

Bridging the gap between basic research and the market
