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From the ‘Great Connector’ to the ‘Great Sorter’

Young Americans need more communal pathways to adulthood than the traditional, four-year college route

Science Policy Can’t Be Driven by Advocates

Ideology has seeped into federal science funding, highlighting the need for reform

A Glimmer of Hope for American Colleges

New efforts at promoting intellectual diversity on campus could deliver much-needed reform.

It’s Conservatives That Should Be Storming the Ivory Tower

Universities depend on taxpayer money to survive, and they are wasting those funds

Educational Pluralism with Ashley Rogers Berner

Ashley Rogers Berner joins Oren for a discussion of educational pluralism: the key to ensuring choice and standards in K–12 schools.

Men’s Realism

The masculinity crisis is serious but most solutions on offer are not

Sen. Tom Cotton on Education and Rebuilding American Capitalism

Sen. Tom Cotton and Oren Cass discuss the future of conservative economics and the importance of workforce development.

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: Banning the BA Box

On this episode of Policy in Brief, Oren Cass and Chris Griswold are joined by Jonathan Berry to discuss a proposal to ban bachelor’s degree requirements in hiring.

Policy Brief: Banning Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

Prohibit employers from making a bachelor’s degree a job requirement

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: Financing Higher Education

On this episode of Policy in Brief, Oren Cass and Chris Griswold discuss how we should finance higher education in the U.S.

Policy Brief: Self-Financing by Colleges

Place higher education’s risks on institutions, not students

Policy Brief: Student Debt Relief the Old-Fashioned Way

Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy instead of canceling loans

A Nation of Boys at Risk

After decades of intensive effort and investment to create an equitable education system, not least for girls and women, the nation finds itself with a peculiar predicament: It is boys who are falling behind furthest and fastest.

Where Have All the Young Men Gone?

The question of who would pursue non-college pathways, if they were offered, is one that has bedeviled education reform debates for decades.

After Student-Debt Relief, America Must Move Beyond ‘College for All’

American Compass research director Wells King argues for building real alternatives to the “college-for-all” education pipeline in the wake of Biden’s misguided student loan forgiveness.

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: The Workforce Training Grant

On the inaugural episode of Policy in Brief, American Compass executive director Oren Cass is joined by policy director Chris Griswold to discuss the Workforce Training Grant, a proposal to create a meaningful alternative pathway to college.

Rebuilding from the College Catastrophe Starts Here

The problem that the American Workforce Act aims to solve is simple, but deadly serious: In American education, all roads lead to college.

Policy Brief: Workforce Training Grant

Congress should create a Workforce Training Grant—a $10,000-per-year grant to employers for each trainee engaged in on-the-job training.

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness is Wrong. Here’s How to Handle College Debt Instead.

America has turned higher ed into a lavishly expensive sacred cow, and now we’re all footing the bill. Let’s make college debt boring again, argues Oren Cass.

Oren Cass on Student Loan Debt

Oren Cass joins Paul Ollinger for a discussion of student debt, “college-for-all,” and how to rethink our approach to education in the U.S.
