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Of Snowflakes and Slip-and-Falls

In this week’s Compass Point, The Snowflakes Aren’t Melting, Michael Brendan Dougherty offers a sharp, revisionist account of “safetyism.” The term commonly refers to the phenomenon of young people coddled through their childhoods and thus unable to cope with the conflicts and travails of adulthood.

Extending the Child Tax Credit to Undocumented Immigrants Is Playing with Fire

Buried within the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar reconciliation package is a provision to extend the recently expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) to undocumented immigrants. This would be a grave mistake, and I say that as both a supporter of the CTC expansion and as a proponent of more liberal immigration.

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On the Biden CTC, Expert Endorsement Rings Hollow

American Compass’s Oren Cass and Wells King discuss the pitfalls of “evidence-based policymaking” and the importance of prioritizing work and long-term effects in designing the Child Tax Credit.

We Need to Listen Better to Working-Class Parents

The Ethics and Public Public Policy Center’s Patrick T. Brown highlights the American Compass Child Tax Credit Survey in a discussion of what working-class parents want from family policy.

Keep the Child Credit Tied to Work

Americans want creative policymaking that better supports families, but always with the expectation that families receiving public support are also working to support themselves.

New Survey: Vast Majority Want Expansion of Child Tax Credit Tied to Work

PRESS RELEASE—New American Compass/YouGov survey finds Americans reject unconditional cash benefits outside context of pandemic relief.

Americans Support a Generous Child Benefit Tied to Work

A significant opportunity exists for bipartisan cooperation on a permanent, expanded Child Tax Credit that maintains a connection to work.

Where Do Parents Go When Public Schools Go ‘Woke’?

Parents who live their lives according to religious principles should be able to find a school in which they are welcomed, not attacked or undermined.

Cash and Kids: Momentum on Child Tax Credit Policy and Other Ideas to Increase Family Income

American Compass research director Wells King joins an American Academy of Political and Social Science panel to discuss the Child Tax Credit and how best to support working families.

Our Policies Are Failing Working Mothers

I love being a mother more than anything—I just wish there were better options to make it more achievable for working women who dream of having their own babies someday.

The Surprising Nordic Lesson for U.S. Welfare

Before the arrival of COVID-19, the U.S. was seeing growing numbers of people, especially men, dropping out of the workforce. Given the far-reaching effects of the pandemic, this will likely continue, even when labor demand is back to normal. The strong pull of streaming, video games, and social media will only make that trend worse. In this environment, one possible downside of cash payments is an additional incentive not to work.

Enabling Families to Support Each Other

We need politicians to put families first and focus on taking care of us when hardship strikes, rather than taking care of those who are already doing just fine. Government should be about strengthening families to support each other.

Why Do Libertarians Support User Fees but Not a Family Wage?

Wages are to workers’ output what user fees are to highways and toll bridges.

“Family Policy” Should Include Caring for Maternal Health

Lots of people have been talking about “family policy.” Let’s not forget that family policy starts with mothers.

Making It Easier to Make Ends Meet

6 a.m. is much too early for this tired mama. But nonetheless, I hear that little pitter-patter of onesie-covered feet coming down the hall into our room. With a soft “Mom, can I have a banana?” my day begins, whether I’m ready for it or not.

A Canadian Warning on Universal Child Care

Any discussion of the effects of government-subsidized day care for children inevitably turns to Canada. In 1997, the province of Quebec introduced a universal child care program, offering parents a Read more…

Honoring Motherhood with Paid Leave

Since Abigail Tucker’s book, Mom Genes: Inside the New Science of Our Ancient Maternal Instinct, was released a few days ago, I’ve been listening to the audiobook whenever I get Read more…

A Warning From the UK: Don’t Let Government Take Over Child Care

Rather than setting a neutral policy framework to allow households to fulfill their own preferences, governments increasingly tilt the deck toward a very particular vision preferred by high-income professionals.

Biden’s Daycare Plan Is Bad for Families

In an op-ed criticizing President Biden’s day care plan, J.D. Vance and Jenet Erickson highlight the findings of American Compass’s Home Building Survey.

Should a Child Benefit Be Based on Marital and Employment Status?

There’s something weird, and maybe even wrong, about a policy that seeks to support families, but leaves out families who have the least support and are the most disconnected from the helpful institutions of work and marriage.
