Rebuilding American Capitalism
A Handbook for Conservative Policymakers
Watch the video from Rebuilding American Capitalism: An American Compass Forum
Responsive Politics
Economists have misread economic conditions, prompting a justified populist backlash. Most Americans prioritize dignified work, self-sufficiency, and solidarity over unconstrained consumption. Policymakers must understand and respect the nation’s frustrations and aspirations to serve it effectively.
Understanding America

Productive Markets
Capitalism only works when the rules of the game align pursuit of profit with investment in domestic production and employment. If capital earns greater returns from speculating, offshoring, and monopolizing than from building, hiring, and innovating, public policy must respond.

Supportive Communities
Individuals only flourish when shaped and supported by their families, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, labor unions, churches, and more. Public policies and economic forces play powerful roles in reinforcing or eroding the foundations of these institutions, which are essential to liberty and prosperity.