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New Survey Shows Most Americans Lack Secure Jobs

Republican support for unions is growing, despite political involvement pushing many workers away from organized labor

Labor Market Not Yet Working for Workers

New data on job quality and worker views on unions

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: GOP Voters and the Realignment

On this episode, Oren and Chris discuss the results of our new poll of GOP primary voters, which shows an economic realignment is well underway.

GOP Primary Voter Poll Shows Pro-Worker Realignment Is Well Underway

As Republican presidential primary candidates prepare to meet tonight to debate the future of the GOP, a new poll shows that their voters have abandoned the party’s traditional focus on Read more…

The New Conservative Voter

A realignment that focuses the Republican Party on pro-worker economic policy is well underway

The GOP’s Big Bet on Labor

POLITICO features American Compass’s 2023 GOP Voter Survey in a discussion about shifting opinions of labor on the right.

Oren Cass on the UAW Strike and Manufacturing Productivity

Watch the latest video at

US Republicans Could Finally Win the Argument on Immigration

Political conditions in the US are ripe for rare progress on immigration, writes Oren Cass in the Financial Times.

Reverse Class Psychology

Reagan convinced workers to care about business, but who will teach business owners that labor matters too?

Testimony on “Mapping America’s Supply Chains”

Chris Griswold’s testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce, regarding “Mapping America’s Supply Chains”

The Nerd Trying to Turn the GOP Populist

New York Magazine on Oren Cass’s quest to make Republicans heed the interests of their working-class base.

The Left of the Right

Matthew Continetti on the New Right and American Compass’s role in the realignment

Power Failure

Oren Cass reviews Sohrab Ahmari’s new book, Tyranny, Inc., in First Things.

Flapper Economics

Turning the American citizen into “The Consumer”

Critics Corner: Tax Foundation’s Erica York on Tariffs

On this episode of Critics Corner, Tax Foundation senior economist Erica York joins Oren Cass for a conversation about tariffs: who bears the cost, who benefits, and much more. Further Read more…

Where Are the Secure Jobs?

In the American Conservative, Oren Cass discusses how the American labor market’s failure to produce family-supporting jobs is fundamental to the nation’s problems.

C-SPAN’s Washington Journal: Oren Cass on Challenges Facing the U.S. Workforce
Public Safety for Sale 

Surveying the wreckage from Wall Street’s collision with emergency services

US Industry Is Getting Its Way on China

Biden administration officials were keen to stress the limited scope of new rules announced in last week’s executive order, writes Oren Cass in the Financial Times.

Critics Corner with Avik Roy on “Freedom Conservatism”

On this episode of Critics Corner, Oren Cass is joined by FREOPP’s Avik Roy for a discussion of the Freedom Conservatism Statement of Principles.
