On the inaugural episode of Policy in Brief, American Compass executive director Oren Cass is joined by policy director Chris Griswold to discuss the Workforce Training Grant, a proposal to create a meaningful alternative pathway to college for the majority of young Americans who are being left behind by the current “college-for-all” model. They discuss the failings of our current system, how a program connecting trainees with employers would work, and the bill recently introduced by Senator Cotton that was modeled off of this proposal.
Further reading:
- The Workforce Training Grant Policy Brief (American Compass)
- The full Workforce Training Grant white paper (American Compass)
- Rebuilding from the College Catastrophe Starts Here (Oren Cass, American Compass)
- American Workforce Act (Sen. Tom Cotton)
- What Republicans Should Do if They Win Big This Fall (Oren Cass and Chris Griswold, New York Times)
- After Student-Debt Relief, America Must Move Beyond ‘College for All’ (Wells King, Newsweek)