On the DishCast with Andrew Sullivan, Oren Cass goes deep on conservative economics and much more.

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Oren Cass On Curbing The Free Market by Andrew Sullivan

The conservative wonk urges the GOP to tack left on economics.

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Listen on Andrew Sullivan's DishCast
Recommended Reading
Rethinking Conservative Economics With Oren Cass

Oren Cass joins Newsweek opinion editorĀ Josh Hammer to discuss the Right’s shifting approach to political economy and President Bidenā€™s disastrous student loan forgiveness initiative.

Oren Cass on Tucker Carlson Today: Capitalism in Crisis?

Oren Cass joins Tucker Carlson for an hour-long, in-depth discussion of conservative economics.

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Introducing American Compass

Oren Cass joins The Realignment to announce American Compass, his new organization thatā€™s arguing for a new conservative approach to economics.