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Trump’s Tariff Whiplash

Six reactions to the new administration’s aggressive trade diplomacy.

Is Our Children Learning? Apparently Not.

Plus, Sam Altman as ShamWow Guy, and more from this week…

The One Thing You Should Be Reading This Week, and Every Week

A brief departure from our standard Friday format…

Notes from an Inauguration

Or, the Canadian Girlfriend Theory of Executive Power

Optimism But Not Confidence as Trump Takes Control

From infrastructure spending to relations with China, uncertainty reigns

What Ted Lasso Can Teach Us About Panda Express

And more from this week…

How Trump Can Rebuild America

The Conservative Case for Reindustrialization

Is It Interesting to Say That AI Isn’t That Interesting?

I hope so, because that’s what I wrote about this week.

First, Assume the Can Opener Is Broken

And more from this week…

It Can’t Just Be DOGE

Trump’s anti-bureaucracy energy should be directed at regulation as well as waste

The H-1B Fight Is About So Much More

In which Vivek and Elon say the quiet part really loud

Cliff Asness Finds Common Cause with Compass on Coin-Flip Capitalism

And more from the past couple of weeks

What Economists Could Learn From George Costanza

My essay in today’s New York Times…

The Movie’s Not Called “It’s A Wonderful Life Of Economic Freedom”

And more from this week…

Another Window Into America’s Two-Tiered System of Justice

It isn’t just about criminal punishments and presidential pardons

Trump Can Bend Biden’s Industrial Policy To Suit Him

America appears on the cusp of an era of large-scale domestic investment in areas from semiconductors to energy

Tax Cuts for the Coalition We Have

The old GOP dictated Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. His new coalition should shape its future.

Please Don’t Send Me, or Anyone, ChatGPT’s Policy Ideas

A useful lesson in AI capabilities, and the misunderstandings thereof

Hmm, Well, Yes, Expanding Government-Funded Addiction Treatment Does Count As GDP Growth

And more from this week…

Trump’s Agencies After Chevron

Overruling Chevron limits agencies’ ability to decide questions of law, but not questions of policy
