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Tax Cuts for the Coalition We Have

The old GOP dictated Trumpā€™s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. His new coalition should shape its future.

The Collapse of Parenting with Dr. Leonard Sax

Dr. Leonard Sax joins Oren to discuss the disastrous state of modern parenting and what can be done to fix it

Make Families Great Again

A call to make good on conservative promises to the American family

A Tech Off-Ramp for Kids with Clare Morell

Clare Morell joins the American Compass Podcast to discuss kids’ addiction to tech, and what governments can do about it.

America On-the-Line

The digital eraā€™s addictive technologies are undermining the foundations of our self-governing republic

Republicans’ Recurring Family Policy Fight

Supporting the indispensable institution is deeply conservative

What Parents Want with Ivana Greco

Ivana Greco joins the American Compass Podcast to make sense of what parents, particularly those who stay at home with their kids, think family policy should look like.

Itā€™s Time for a Bonus, Baby

A Trump-Vance administration should unabashedly support new parents

Building Blocks for Childcare Reform

Families need resources and options, not an overengineered subsidizing of demand

The Family Policy Pivot

Itā€™s time for JD Vance to go positive.

What the ā€˜Success Sequenceā€™ Misses

Long-term flourishing requires a deeper conversation than proponents admit.

Pronatalism Isnā€™t Pro-Family

Supporting Americaā€™s families is more than a numbers game.

Talkinā€™ (Policy) Shop: Support for Families

Oren and Chris weigh in on the ongoing fight over the Child Tax Credit and discuss more broadly the question of how conservatives should think about supporting familiesā€”without getting mired in 30-year-old fights about welfare.

New Survey Shows Surging Enthusiasm for Family Support Among Conservatives

Families struggling to have the number of children they want, achieve the American dream

The Family Policy Renaissance, Explained

Republicans, Independents, and the working and middle classes respond to the pressures facing working families

Among US Conservatives, the Dial Is Finally Shifting on Welfare

But older anti-government institutions still need to realise that the mistakes of the 1960s are not being repeated

Conservatives Should Embrace Child Tax Credit Expansion

Strengthening support for working families is not just a popular priority, but a conservative one.

One House Vote Just Exposed A Huge Rift In The Conservative Movement

American Compass’ Duncan Braid makes the case for conservatives to support the Child Tax Credit expansion in the Daily Caller

Passing a Test on Family Policy

This is a pivotal moment for the conservative movement, which has finally woken up to the reality thatĀ decades of WSJ-style economic policy have been a disasterĀ for working families and thus a disaster for America.

Debunking Myths About the Tax Deal

The reformed Child Tax Credit isn’t “welfare”ā€”it’s conservative family policy.
