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What a Post-Trump Republican Party Might Look Like

Ezra Klein interviews American Compass’s Oren Cass about challenging the right-wing economic orthodoxy and its quasi-religious veneration of markets, and focusing instead on clear social goals that put families first, eschew economic growth as the be-all-end-all of policymaking, and recognize the inescapability of government intervention in the economy.

Podcast: The Return of Conservative Economics

American Compass’s Oren Cass and Wells King join the Bill Walton Show to discuss Rebooting the American System.

Special Episode of The Editors: Rich Lowry and Oren Cass

Rich Lowry interviews Oren Cass about the launch of American Compass.

Conversation with Oren Cass

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins the Ronald Reagan Institute’s Reaganism podcast to discuss his organization’s mission to save American conservatism from what he calls its “chronic case of market fundamentalism.”

Saving the American Economy—Why Congress Needs to Pass a Stimulus Package Immediately

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins Congressman Dan Crenshaw to discuss stimulus measures which would bring desperately needed economic relief to Americans in the age of COVID-19.

The Cost of Thriving: Talking with Oren Cass

What does it cost for a family to thrive? Oren Cass joins The Chris Buskirk Show to talk about his work to define this.

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Introducing American Compass

Oren Cass joins The Realignment to announce American Compass, his new organization that’s arguing for a new conservative approach to economics.
