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Is Common Good Capitalism the Answer?

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean to discuss common good capitalism, Chinaā€™s relationship with the U.S., Big Labor, and more.

How the Decline of NASCAR Mirrors the Decline of American Communities

American Compassā€™s Wells King joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss hisĀ American Conservative cover story on the decline of NASCAR.

Has the Right Gotten It All Wrong?

Oren Cass joins David Bahnsen to discuss globalization, market orthodoxy, and much more.

Critics Corner with Michael Strain

Michael Strain joins Oren in the Critics Corner to discuss what he calls “grievance-onomics,” the reasons we should or should not have confidence in corporations pursuing their own profits will act in ways that benefit the American people, and issues ranging from trade and investment to education and immigration.

How ā€˜College For Allā€™ Is Failing Generations Of Americans

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins The Federalistā€™s Emily Jashinsky to discuss the failures of the ā€œcollege-for-allā€ model in the U.S.

The New Age of Interventionismā€”the Big State Is Back in Business

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins the Money Talks podcast to discuss the growing embrace of industrial policy.

Realignment Conference: The Future of Populism

American Affairsā€™s Julius Krein, American Compassā€™s Wells King, and the Niskanen Centerā€™s Samuel Hammond discuss the new right, populism, and the debate over neoliberalism.

Munk Debate: Universal Basic Income

Oren Cass debates Scott Santens on proposals for a universal basic income.

Critics Corner with Vinnie Vernuccio

In this episode, Vinnie Vernuccio joins Oren in the Critics Corner. Vinnie is the president of the Institute for the American Worker and a senior fellow at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

New Survey Finds Modern American Workers Want Unions To Stop Playing Politics

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the Better Bargain Survey results, what workers want from organized labor, and working-class perspectives on politics.

Oren Cass Joins Politico Playbook Deep Dive Podcast

American Compassā€™s Oren Cass, ā€œan influential voice in this new economic counterculture,ā€ joins to discuss the conservative debate on economics and the free market.

Critics Corner with Jon Hartley

On this episode of Critics Corner, Oren is joined by Jon Hartley, a visiting fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity and a former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee.

Oren Cass Joins Moment of Truth Podcast

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins American Momentā€™s podcast to discuss economics, working class families, and conservatism.

Critics Corner with Grover Norquist

On this episode of Critics Corner, Oren is joined by Grover Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform. Spoiler: Oren is not convinced to sign the tax pledge.

Critics Corner with Prof. Donald Boudreaux

On this episode of Critics Corner, Oren is joined by one of our most active critics and open-letter writers, Donald Boudreaux of George Mason University.

All-Knowing Algorithms: Author Discussion

Alec Stapp (Progressive Policy Institute) and Wells King (American Compass) discuss the implications of ā€œAll-Knowing Algorithmsā€ with Oren Cass.

Attention Economy: Author Discussion

Matthew Crawford (UVAā€™s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture) and Peter Suderman (Reason) discuss the ramifications of the ā€œAttention Economyā€ with Wells King (American Compass).

Frictionless Exchange: Author Discussion

Wingham Rowan (Modern Markets for All) and Neil Chilson (Charles Koch Institute) discuss the advent of frictionless exchange with Wells King (American Compass).

Grand Old Party and the Working Class with Leader McCarthy

Leader McCarthy joins American Compass to discuss his efforts to reach out and grow the Republican coalition, what it takes to build a GOP that is better attuned to the concerns of working class Americans, and where he sees the party going in the coming years.

Fulfillment: A Conversation on Amazon and Regional Inequality with Alec MacGillis

Fulfillment author Alec MacGillis joins American Compass research director Wells King for a conversation exploring what the growth of Amazon means for the future of inequality in the U.S., the pros and cons of ā€œone-click America,ā€ and how policymakers and consumers should respond.
