Oren Cassā€‰ā€”ā€‰conĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive polĀ­iĀ­cy wonk, 2012 Mitt RomĀ­ney adviĀ­sor and execĀ­uĀ­tive direcĀ­tor of the new think tank AmerĀ­iĀ­can ComĀ­pass (which does not disĀ­close its donors)ā€‰ā€”ā€‰is a surĀ­prisĀ­ing canĀ­diĀ­date for labor law reformer. That is exactĀ­ly why his recentĀ­ly launched project to build and define a ā€‹ā€œConĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive Future for the AmerĀ­iĀ­can Labor MoveĀ­mentā€ is drawĀ­ing so much attention.

In a foundĀ­ing stateĀ­ment titled ā€‹ā€œConĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tives Should Ensure WorkĀ­ers a Seat at the Table,ā€ the group argues that orgaĀ­nized labor can improve ecoĀ­nomĀ­ic prosĀ­perĀ­iĀ­ty and strengthĀ­en comĀ­muĀ­niĀ­ties, all while mainĀ­tainĀ­ing limĀ­itĀ­ed govĀ­ernĀ­ment. The stateĀ­ment is signed by Cass, MarĀ­co Rubio, Jeff SesĀ­sions and othĀ­er figĀ­ures on the right. As you might imagĀ­ine, the devĀ­il of this labor reform project is in the details.

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