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Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron?

American Compass’s Oren Cass discusses a conservative future for organized labor with Hamilton Nolan.

Michael Lind: Why Conservatives Should Care About Unions

American Compass contributing writer Michael Lind discusses his essay on remodeling labor law from American Compass’s A Seat at the Table collection.

Conservatives Should Embrace Labor Unions

Brad Littlejohn interviews American Compass’s Oren Cass about why conservatives should be interested in the future of America’s labor movement.

“Pro-Labor” Conservatives Aren’t Going Away Anytime Soon

Socialists express their concern that a conservative pitch to the working class will succeed, “especially when Democrats continue to abandon unions and the working class.”

Left, Right, and Center Discuss Federal Industrial Policies

American Compass’s research director Wells King shares key insights from the “Moving the Chains” policy symposium on the inaugural panel for the Industry Studies Association’s new webinar series.

Trump Threw Stimulus Checks Back Into Play and Called for a Large Economic Aid Package — But Republicans Still Aren’t Backing More Spending

American Compass’s Oren Cass comments on the conceptual tensions underlying Congress’s standoff on COVID-19 economic relief packages.

Businesses With ‘Windfall’ Pandemic Profits Are Showering Them on Investors, Study Finds

American Compass’s Oren Cass criticizes corporate decision making’s disconnect from corporate obligation in Christopher Ingraham’s review of a recent economic report.

The Vanishing American Dream: The Economic Realities Facing Middle- and Lower-Income Americans

American Compass’s Oren Cass participated in a symposium on “The Vanishing American Dream,” as part of the Brookings Institution’s Future of the Middle Class Initiative, discussing the political roots of economic issues facing lower- and middle-income Americans.

A Q&A With Oren Cass

American Compass’s Oren Cass talks with WorkRise’s Elisabeth Jacobs about the current economic crisis, the ways society has come to devalue certain kinds of labor, and the need for alternative pathways to the workforce.

The Conservative Case for Unions & the Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins The Realignment to discuss how the GOP can reconcile with organized labor and how the left and right should rethink their approach to economics.

A Conservative Future for the Labor Movement?

Robert Verbruggen comments on the labor reforms suggested in American Compass’s “Conservatives Should Ensure Workers a Seat at the Table” statement.

The GOP After Trump

An exposé on the future of the Republican Party features American Compass’s efforts to lead a return to traditional, family-first values.

The Unlikeliest of Unions: Conservatives Look to Make Allies in the Labour Movement

American Compass’s work on the labor movement and a broader restoration of conservative economics receives coverage north of the border.

Conservatives for Labor

The NYT’s Morning Newsletter features the release of American Compass’s joint statement on conservatives ensuring workers a seat at the table.

The Conservative Case for Organized Labor

Eric Levitz interviews American Compass’s Oren Cass about his vision for a pro-worker conservatism.

Statement on Labor From Prominent Conservatives: “Strong Worker Representation Can Make America Stronger”

PRESS RELEASE—American Compass’s September collection explores the conservative case for organized labor.

New Think Tank Looks to Counter Establishment’s Influence in Policy-Making Circles

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins Steve Hilton to announce a new project on a conservative future for the American labor movement.

Tracing the Path of the Modern GOP, From Reagan to Trump

The Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib and American Compass’s Oren Cass discuss future paths for the GOP.

The RNC’s Massive Missed Opportunity To Really Fight For Workers

American Compass’s Oren Cass gives his take on the Republican National Convention and highlights what he calls a “missed opportunity” to fight for workers.

To Counter China, Some Republicans Are Abandoning Free-Market Orthodoxy

Jeanne Whalen reports on Republican enthusiasm for industrial policy, citing American Compass’s Moving the Chains report.
