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Hayekā€™s Broken Promise

It is a tragedy that Friedrich Hayekā€™s excesses, invested with the authority of his (deserved) reputation, became the unexamined default for right-of-center economic thinking in America.

National Review Logo
The Return of Conservative Economics

Today we are announcing the formation of American Compass, an organization dedicated to helping American conservatism recover from its chronic case of market fundamentalism.

Realignment Logo
Introducing American Compass

Oren Cass joins The Realignment to announce American Compass, his new organization thatā€™s arguing for a new conservative approach to economics.

Washington Post
Conservative Intellectuals Launch a New Group To Challenge Free-Market ā€˜Fundamentalismā€™ on the Right

Oren Cass believes conservatives have blundered by outsourcing GOP economic policymaking to libertarian ā€œfundamentalistsā€ who see the free market as an end unto itself, rather than as a means for improving quality of life to strengthen families and communities.

Comparative Disadvantage

If comparative advantage is created rather than discovered, refusing to play the game has consequences.
