Oren Cass on the Lincoln Project and the Future Direction of the GOP
American Compass’s Oren Cass shares his thoughts on the Lincoln Project and his hopes for the future of the GOP.
American Compass’s Oren Cass shares his thoughts on the Lincoln Project and his hopes for the future of the GOP.
With surging COVID-19 cases in many parts of the country and a widely available vaccine months away—and with consumer and investor confidence and spending likely to be weak even with a vaccine—the odds are quite high that economic recovery will be long, drawn-out, and weak. As such, Congress is rightly debating a fifth economic recovery package.
Ezra Klein interviews American Compass’s Oren Cass about challenging the right-wing economic orthodoxy and its quasi-religious veneration of markets, and focusing instead on clear social goals that put families first, eschew economic growth as the be-all-end-all of policymaking, and recognize the inescapability of government intervention in the economy.
In his latest contribution to our ongoing debate over social insurance and conservatism, Oren Cass clarifies some of our points of disagreement. One of them concerns the meaning and nature of “social insurance” itself. Another is whether certain proposals are sufficiently “conservative.”
Redistribution is a vital topic for conservatives as we question stale orthodoxies and reexamine how first principles can help to address modern challenges. In this respect I agree entirely with Read more…
In a recent essay for The American Conservative, Oren Cass criticizes a viewpoint, which he attributes to the Niskanen Center, among others on the center-right, that places a central emphasis on free markets and economic growth even when doing so “necessitate[s] a much larger safety net, widespread government dependence, and the loss of a baseline expectation that people everywhere can become productive contributors to their communities and form stable families capable of self-reliance.”
A long-standing intellectual tradition offers not only a comprehensive critique of market fundamentalism and consumerism, but also a constructive path forward.
“We are conservatives, and conservatives believe in supporting families directly.”
Responding to the Coin-Flip Capitalism project, University of Chicago Professors M. Todd Henderson and Steven Kaplan say to leave investors out of it: the fees to fund managers prove the social value.
American Compass’s Oren Cass describes the parameters of the fight on the right and makes the case for a Post-Trump conservatism.
The Conversation finds “a new spirit of what might be called ‘economic morality'” in the founding and mission of American Compass.
Amitai Etzioni includes American Compass among the leading voices in the emerging “communitarian” faction on the Right, alongside Senators Rubio, Cotton, Romney, and Hawley.
Jim Antle quotes American Compass’s Oren Cass on the significant of innovative economic policymaking by several GOP senators.
American Compass’s first special project, “Coin-Flip Capitalism,” was featured by Bloomberg Politics, challenging established economic views on the right.
In a recent Real Clear Markets column, economist John Tamny made the case that Oren Cass’s policy advice is backwards and will result in political doom for, in Tamny’s words, “the hyper emotional Marco Rubio.”
American Compass launched in early May to widespread media coverage and generous praise from politicians, scholars, and commentators.
Daniel Moynihan once stated that “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” This is no more true than with today’s debate over the health of U.S. manufacturing; a debate that is critical to get right if policy makers are to respond appropriately.
Oren Cass invited me to contribute to this site not as a conservative but as a lefty and Democrat who is fascinated by the project of intellectual revival in which this network of thinkers is engaged.
City Journal contributing editor Chris Rufo spotlights American Compass’s leading role in challenging the orthodoxy of “growth for growth’s sake.”
American Compass’s Oren Cass discusses the next round of GOP proposals to address the coronavirus pandemic.
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