Yoram Hazony interviews Oren Cass, head of The American Compass research institute, and author of ā€œThe Once and Future Worker.ā€ They discuss economic nationalism and what a conservative economic policy should look like, including policies designed to encourage work and permit people to form families, schools that prepare the young for productive employment rather than college, trade with China, the relationship between nationalism and democracy, and more.

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Oren Cass
Oren Cass is chief economist at American Compass.
Recommended Reading
Oren Cass and Brendan Duke on Campaign 2024 and Economic Policy

Oren joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program to discuss the economic policies of both presidential candidates.

Special Episode of The Editors: Rich Lowry and Oren Cass

Rich Lowry interviews Oren Cass about the launch of American Compass.

A New Conservative Economic Philosophy?

Oren Cass joins WSJ editor at large Gerry Baker for a discussion of the evolution of modern conservative economic thought.