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How the Decline of Evangelicalism Helped Elect Donald Trump

Loosening social mores cleared a way once blocked by the Moral Majority

The Program That Provides Health Care, Not Insurance Subsidies

Conservatives should double down on the Health Center Program as an alternative to Obamacare

Nice Conservative Blueprint, Whoā€™s Gonna Build It?

How to fund a movement of, by, and for ordinary Americans

Donā€™t Think the Globalization Debate Is Over? Watch This Video.

And more from this week…

Breaking Chinaā€™s Pharma Death Grip

Washington has the industrial-policy toolkit to unwind Americaā€™s dependence on Chinese medicines

A Great Time to Restrict Outbound Investment

A newly unified Republican Congress has an opportunity to hit Chinese tech

The Rise of the Pro-Worker Republican

Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Labor puts meat on the bones for a working-class GOP

If the Affluence We Pursued Brought Us to This, of What Use Was the Affluence?

A quality-of-life debate at the American Enterprise Institute takes a surprising turn…

How the Flip Immigration Flip-Flops Flop

And more from this week…

Addressing the College Credibility Crisis

Expanding alternative approaches like paid apprenticeships can help alleviate college concerns

Breaking the Stateā€™s Sports-Betting Addiction

Some tough questions about why governments encourage addictive, destructive behavior

It’s Still The Economy, Stupid

Bidenā€™s ā€œbest economy ever,ā€ wasnā€™t, and it helped Trump win

The New Republican

Trumpā€™s win is a victory for the new party of the multi-ethnic working class

When “That’s How It’s Always Been Done” Is a Winning Argument

A founding document that anticipated the Chinese Communist Party…

When the Bough Breaks

And more from this week…

Make Families Great Again

A call to make good on conservative promises to the American family

The Coming Tax Fight Will Not Be What You’re Expecting

Plus, I share my secret ā€œ19-20 Solutionā€ to our budget crisisā€¦

Trump Is About to Face the Choice That Dooms Many Presidencies

Oren writes for the New York Times about an unconventional step Trump can take to deliver on his promise to fight for everyday Americans

A Rosetta Stone for the Past Decade in American Politics

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from across the web over the last week to better understand America

The Once and Future President

Trump won with a surprising coalition. How does he keep it?
