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Why Is Mitch McConnell Still In Charge?

On policy, he is badly misaligned with the GOP and its standard bearer. He is weak on immigration, allied with big business, and expansive in his vision for the nationā€™s foreign policy commitments.

Surprising Consensus on the Productivity Problem

A new AEI paper reaches the same conclusion as American Compass: Rising inequality for American workers is a problem.

Itā€™s Conservatives That Should Be Storming the Ivory Tower

Universities depend on taxpayer money to survive, and they are wasting those funds

Trumpā€™s Trade Critics Inflate Their Claims

ā€œUntil you came along, nobody ever mentioned it.ā€

Growing Pains

Rebuilding American industry is worth itā€”but it wonā€™t be quick, easy, or cheap.

How Republicans learnt to love bigger government

The era of ā€œthe era of big government is overā€ may itself now be over, writes Oren Cass in the Financial Times.

Out of Time on Outbound

If Republicans are serious about confronting China, they need to sideline members who arenā€™t

Among US Conservatives, the Dial Is Finally Shifting on Welfare

But older anti-government institutions still need to realise that the mistakes of the 1960s are not being repeated

Conservatives Should Embrace Child Tax Credit Expansion

Strengthening support for working families is not just a popular priority, but a conservative one.

The Persistence of Market Fundamentalism

The sacred texts don’t say what their keepers claim they do.

Passing a Test on Family Policy

This is a pivotal moment for the conservative movement, which has finally woken up to the reality thatĀ decades of WSJ-style economic policy have been a disasterĀ for working families and thus a disaster for America.

Debunking Myths About the Tax Deal

The reformed Child Tax Credit isn’t “welfare”ā€”it’s conservative family policy.

Putting the Money Where the Working Families Are

If conservatives want to lead on family policy, they have to be willing to fight for it

The Elite Misunderstands American Globalisation Grievances

New research bears little resemblance to assumptions about how the US population feels about China and the economy

Free Tradeā€™s Origin Myth

American elites accepted the economic theory of ā€œcomparative advantageā€ mainly because it justified their geopolitical agenda.

Protecting Children Online Is a Worthwhile Endeavor

In the digital realm as outside of it, the public has a right to insist on regulations where the safety of our kids is at stake.

China Challenge Is Too Much for Republican Market Fundamentalism

Defeat on outward-bound investment legislation shows significant change in the party

Coalition Letter: Outbound Investment Restrictions

As the FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) moves through conference committee, we write to urge Congressā€™s support for security-related restrictions on outbound investment of American capital to the Peopleā€™s Republic of China (PRC).

The Credit Card Competition Act Will Help Support a Stronger, More Competitive Free Market

Congress should take seriously the failures in the credit card industry and consider how public policy could support a stronger and more competitive free market.

Big Tech Is Exploiting Kids Online. Congress Has To Step In

Chris Griswold makes the case for protecting children online through the Kids Online Safety Act
