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Want More Humane Technology? Look to the Supermarket

Are we the passive victims of rapacious technology? Or fully knowledgeable about how technology works and in control of its role in our lives?

Reflections on the Digital Revolution

The problems and challenges posed by what is often referred to as “Big Tech” should primarily be understood as novel instantiations of age-old issues.

The ‘Uber Economy’ Needs Guardrails

If you are a freelancer like a lawyer or a doctor with a private practice, your experience is very different from a freelancer or contractor accessing work through online labor platforms like Upwork, Clickworker, Uber, or Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.

Curtailing Big Tech Requires Much More Than Breaking It Up

American Compass executive director Oren Cass makes the case for disaggregating the Big Tech debate and giving greater focus to the digital age’s novel challenges.

It’s Time to Bring Back Place-Based Policymaking

As neoclassical economics steeped with market fundamentalist ideology started to gain ascendency in the 1970s, the federal government gradually abandoned efforts to help lagging regions.

What Republicans Can Learn from the UK’s Conservative Party

As the big loser in 2020, the GOP should consider what it can learn from Britain’s Conservative Party, which offers a compelling policy matrix.

Is Sweden a Free-Market Welfare State?

While it is true that Sweden adopted some neoliberal reforms after an economic crisis in the early 1990s, Sweden is not, and never has been, a free-market welfare state.

Why Conservative Populists Should Care About Health Care

The reasons for conservative populism’s seeming neglect of health care likely has more to do with the newness of the movement than any prejudice against health policy itself.

A Canadian Warning on Universal Child Care

Any discussion of the effects of government-subsidized day care for children inevitably turns to Canada. In 1997, the province of Quebec introduced a universal child care program, offering parents a Read more…

Honoring Motherhood with Paid Leave

Since Abigail Tucker’s book, Mom Genes: Inside the New Science of Our Ancient Maternal Instinct, was released a few days ago, I’ve been listening to the audiobook whenever I get Read more…

The Bully Platform

While it falls short as an analysis of present-day American monopoly policy, Senator Hawley’s latest book constitutes a spirited, even landmark, political statement and call-to-arms for a deeper shift towards vigorous republicanism in the American conservative movement.

A Warning From the UK: Don’t Let Government Take Over Child Care

Rather than setting a neutral policy framework to allow households to fulfill their own preferences, governments increasingly tilt the deck toward a very particular vision preferred by high-income professionals.

Should a Child Benefit Be Based on Marital and Employment Status?

There’s something weird, and maybe even wrong, about a policy that seeks to support families, but leaves out families who have the least support and are the most disconnected from the helpful institutions of work and marriage.

Has the Financial Sector Become a Drag on the Real Economy?

American Compass’s Oren Cass, in dialogue with Oaktree Capital’s Howard Marks, discusses the negative effects of the growth of the U.S. financial sector.

Children playing with blocks, family
Romney, Hawley, Rubio, and Lee’s Building Blocks for Family Policy

The key parameters for understanding competing family-benefit proposals.

Statistical Gnosticism on the Right

Some right-of-center analysts have absolute conviction that basic statistics describing some of America’s challenges are obviously wrong

The Rich Get Richer, Middle Class Shrinks, and Conservatives Must Act

American Compass research director Wells King discusses the state of economic inequality in the United States and how conservatives should respond.

The Consultant Class Scores an Own Goal

With every step away towards a pure market logic and away from physical communities and lived-in traditions, the sporting world will find that the magic and allure of what has made them so compelling start to disappear.

What American Workers Really Want Instead of a Union at Amazon

American Compass executive director Oren Cass discusses the failed unionization drive at Amazon’s Bessemer, AL, warehouse and what it says about what kind of support and representation workers actually want.

America’s Microchip Slip

American Compass’s Oren Cass and Richard Oyeniran explore the decline of America’s semiconductor industry and how the U.S. can retake the lead in the great semiconductor race.
