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Republicans Split on Major China Bill, as Legislation Barrels Toward Passage

As the Senate takes up consideration of the CHIPS Act, American Compass’s work is leading the industrial policy debate.

In Preparation for Power, America’s New Right Builds New Institutions

In a profile of the new institutions springing up to influence the new right’s policy agenda, American Compass is described as “among the more sophisticated,” with proposals that have been “influential among lawmakers.”

Saving Kids from Big Tech with Chris Griswold

American Compass policy director Chris Griswold discusses the historical parallels between child labor in the 19th century and kids’ use of social media today, and suggests steps that policymakers can take to protect them from its harms.

Capital Markets R’Us

Oren Cass joins David Bahnsen to discuss the state of American financial markets, private equity and venture capital, what is going wrong, and potential solutions.

Oren Cass Discusses the Future of the GOP

American Compass executive director Oren Cass discusses whether DC’s conservative institutions will shift after the 2022 primaries to become more responsive to the GOP base.

Rethinking the Way We Help Families

American Compass research director Wells King joins Inside Sources with Boyd Matheson to discuss pro-family policymaking.

‘College for All’ Is Broken. Let’s Embrace Opportunity Pluralism Instead.

Bruno Manno features a recent American Compass survey on higher education in a discussion of the failures of the “college-for-all” model.

Can the Expanded Child Tax Credit Come Back From the Dead?

In a discussion of the potential for a permanent expanded Child Tax Credit, Rachel Cohen highlights American Compass research and Wells King’s analysis of the political environment.

Is Common Good Capitalism the Answer?

American Compass executive director Oren Cass joins Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean to discuss common good capitalism, China’s relationship with the U.S., Big Labor, and more.

Globalization and NASCAR Changes: Two Errors Wrought by Misguided Elites

American Compass’s Wells King joins Robin Johnson on the Heartland Politics show to discuss globalization and NASCAR.

How the Decline of NASCAR Mirrors the Decline of American Communities

American Compass’s Wells King joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss his American Conservative cover story on the decline of NASCAR.

Wells King Laments the Decline and Fall of NASCAR

American Compass research director Wells King joins Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson to discuss his essay on the decline of NASCAR.

To Help Children, Democrats Are Going to Have to Reach Across the Aisle

The Niskanen Center’s Samuel Hammond discusses the potential for a bipartisan bill to support families with children, highlighting American Compass’s Fisc proposal.

From Amazon to Starbucks, Workers Caught Between Big Business & Big Labor Need Support

Emily Jashinsky features Wells King’s analysis of the Amazon union vote on Staten Island in a discussion of the difficulties facing workers organizing today.

Big Business and Conservatives Are Headed for Divorce

In a discussion of the changing conservative approach to big business, Adrian Wooldridge highlights American Compass’s work on globalization and labor.

New Report Finds Globalization Failed to Deliver Economic Growth and Good Jobs

PRESS RELEASE—New American Compass report on the failed experiment of globalization and an online quiz that exposes the bipartisan Uniparty’s witless case for globalization

Has the Right Gotten It All Wrong?

Oren Cass joins David Bahnsen to discuss globalization, market orthodoxy, and much more.

Oren Cass and Jacobin’s Paul Prescod Debate Labor Policy

Krystal and Saagar are joined by American Compass’s Oren Cass  and Jacobin writer Paul Prescod for a debate on the GOP’s new legislation that would revise the National Labor Relations Act and put workers on some corporate boards.

Report: College Degree Attainment Far Outpaces U.S. Jobs Requiring BAs

PRESS RELEASE—New American Compass analysis finds that wages have stagnated for college graduates without degree-requiring jobs.

Can the GOP Become the Party of the Working Class?

Batya Ungar-Sargon discusses the recent GOP bill that would give workers the opportunity to elect a representative to serve on their corporate boards as part of a voluntary employee involvement organization.
