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The Fight On The Right: A Pre-Trump Or Post-Trump Future?

American Compass’s Oren Cass describes the parameters of the fight on the right and makes the case for a Post-Trump conservatism.

Media Have Helped Create a Crisis of Democracy—Now They Must Play a Vital Role in Its Revival

The Conversation finds “a new spirit of what might be called ‘economic morality'” in the founding and mission of American Compass.

What Price Will the Conservative Community Pay to Capitalize on the Era of Trump?

Amitai Etzioni includes American Compass among the leading voices in the emerging “communitarian” faction on the Right, alongside Senators Rubio, Cotton, Romney, and Hawley.

GOP Fault Lines Appear as Some Press for More Relief While Others Demand a Spending Pause

Jim Antle quotes American Compass’s Oren Cass on the significant of innovative economic policymaking by several GOP senators.

Private Equity, Hedge Funds Get Unlikely Foe in GOP Think Tank

American Compass’s first special project, “Coin-Flip Capitalism,” was featured by Bloomberg Politics, challenging established economic views on the right.

Yes, We Should Care About Huawei

In a recent Real Clear Markets column, economist John Tamny made the case that Oren Cass’s policy advice is backwards and will result in political doom for, in Tamny’s words, “the hyper emotional Marco Rubio.”

What They Are Saying About the American Compass Launch

American Compass launched in early May to widespread media coverage and generous praise from politicians, scholars, and commentators.

No, U.S. Manufacturing Is Not at an All-Time High

Daniel Moynihan once stated that “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” This is no more true than with today’s debate over the health of U.S. manufacturing; a debate that is critical to get right if policy makers are to respond appropriately.

Whither Corruption and Conservatism?

Oren Cass invited me to contribute to this site not as a conservative but as a lefty and Democrat who is fascinated by the project of intellectual revival in which this network of thinkers is engaged.

Economics in the Age of Trump

City Journal contributing editor Chris Rufo spotlights American Compass’s leading role in challenging the orthodoxy of “growth for growth’s sake.”

Why GOP Can’t Stop Pushing Tax Cuts

American Compass’s Oren Cass discusses the next round of GOP proposals to address the coronavirus pandemic.

The American System: How We Return To An Economy That Lifts All Americans

American Compass’s Wells King outlines his arguments from his essay on “Rediscovering a Genuine American System” in this adaption.

The Free-Market-Fundamentalist Menace

The Senate is finally back in Washington and negotiations over the next coronavirus recovery package are underway. The White House’s initial salvo was reported Monday and includes a capital gains tax cut, a measure to increase entertainment tax deductions, and a payroll tax cut. 

On National Growth and Community Well-Being

For my inaugural post here on The Commons, I want to offer a few thoughts on how one of the pillars of the American Compass mission, community, has too often been a blind spot in the prevailing view of the economy.

This New Think Tank Wants To Reform Conservatism. Republicans Ignore It at Their Peril.

;Columnist Henry Olsen describes American Compass as a “tool with which future conservative leaders can guide the American ship of state.”

A Compass for Navigating the Right’s New Debates

AEI’s Yuval Levin reflects on the role of American Compass in strengthening the debate on the role of the state on the right.

Recovering the American Tradition of Economic Policy

American Compass’s Wells King and Oren Cass and American Affairs’ Julius Krein summarize their arguments from Rebooting the American System in this short adaptation.

Coronavirus Exposes a G.O.P. Divide: Is the Market Always Supreme?

The NYT features American Compass as a new organization with plans to foster debates on economic issues dividing the right, accentuated by the present national crisis.

Podcast: The Return of Conservative Economics

American Compass’s Oren Cass and Wells King join the Bill Walton Show to discuss Rebooting the American System.

Thinking Big to Act Small

American Compass proposes that conservatives revisit the question of whether a nation can afford an economic order without a “compass,” a guide that can provide a sense of direction national policy and shared intention. The question is essential, and the answers on offer on this site portend a new course for the American political order.
