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Issues 2024: Globalization

Revitalizing the national economy must begin with restoring the incentive to invest and build in America.

The American Rejection of Globalization

While many economists continue to insist that globalization has benefited the United States, the American people do not agree.

Issues 2024: Industrial Policy

A strong industrial base is vital to workers and their communities, the rate of technological and economic progress, and national security.

Crop Cash

Support America’s farmers, but not with subsidies

Rebuilding U.S. Industry via Green Transition Makes No Sense

The US needs an industrial finance authority with a long-term commitment to drive both public and private capital, writes Oren Cass.

Oren Cass on the UAW Strike and Manufacturing Productivity

Watch the latest video at

Testimony on “Mapping America’s Supply Chains”

Chris Griswold’s testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce, regarding “Mapping America’s Supply Chains”

US Industry Is Getting Its Way on China

Biden administration officials were keen to stress the limited scope of new rules announced in last week’s executive order, writes Oren Cass in the Financial Times.

Sen. Todd Young on Industrial Policy and Rebuilding American Capitalism

Sen. Todd Young and Oren Cass discuss how conservatives should think about industrial policy, how public policy can support R&D, and more.

A Hard Break from China

Protecting the American Market from Subversion by the CCP

American Conservatives Are Working on the Railroads

The Railway Safety Act has made concrete the ideological debate raging between conservatives and libertarians over the role of government regulation in the free market.

Critics Corner with FreedomWorks’ Phil Bell on the Railway Safety Act

Oren Cass is joined by FreedomWorks’ Phil Bell for a wide-ranging discussion the Railway Safety Act of 2023.

Policy Brief: A Domestic Development Bank

Financing American industrial development

How Airbus Took Flight

The success of the aerospace company evidences strong returns on strategic industrial investment.

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: Pre-Competitive R&D Consortia

On this episode of Talkin’ (Policy) Shop, Oren and Chris are joined by Willy Shih, a professor at Harvard Business School, to discuss pre-competitive R&D consortia.

Policy Brief: Pre-Competitive R&D Consortia

Bridging the gap between basic research and the market

Airbus’s Industrial Flight Plan

How European bureaucrats built the business that beat Boeing

Joe Biden’s chips choices undermine bipartisan industrial initiatives

The White House is discrediting its promotion of domestic semiconductor production by linking it to childcare

The Undeniable Success of Israeli Industrial Policy

A prominent public role in R&D, business subsidies, and restrictions that keep both knowledge and production within our borders are not incompatible with rapid economic growth and technological progress.

How Industrial Policy Made the Desert Bloom

A case study on the public investments behind the Israeli economic miracle
