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The 40-Year-Old Conservative

A generational divides drives “the policy war in Washington”

The Arc of the Economic Debate Is Long, but Bends Toward Tariffs

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

Trump’s Most Misunderstood Policy Proposal

Oren Cass writes for the Atlantic about why focusing only on the costs associated fails to capture the truth about tariffs.

What Stagnating Wages and Stagnating NFL Offenses Have in Common

Plus, checking back in with labor unions and Professor Wolfers

Mommy, Where Do Parents Come From?

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

Against Justin Wolfers-ism

The temptation to use economics as propaganda does not serve economists well

Constructing Conservatism

Oren Cass writes for First Things magazine about how to construct a compelling conservative morality in our secular age.

Why Our Political Elite Remind Me of Dumb and Dumber

Or, the difference between the American dream and the American promise

The Rival Trading Blocs We Make Along the Way

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

The Problem With Empty U.S. Campaign Promises

Both Harris and Trump seem determined not to be pinned down on policy

Do Labor Leaders Not Know What Workers Want, or Do They Just Not Care?

And creative paths forward like, say, reversing Citizens United…

The Gulf Between “Make America Great Again” and “MAGA”

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

Workers Deserve Real Power. Unions Aren’t the Best Way to Get It.

On the first night of the Democratic National Convention, six labor leaders took the stage to endorse the party’s nominee. “Kamala Harris will keep fighting for workers,” promised the general president of Read more…

Does Trade Policy Affect Trade?

A rescue mission for common sense from the quagmire of free-trade economics

Can the Tech Bros Find a Home in the Conservative Coalition?

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

The One Big Thing from JD Vance’s Sunday Show Tour

Plus, government is simply the name we give to minding our own damn business…

Both Parties Have a Chance to Appeal to American Workers — But Will They Take It?

Political elites are pulling Republicans and Democrats away from the voters they need to win over

Chips Ahoy! Don’t Look Now, but Industrial Policy Is Doing Its Job

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.

The Blob on the Ballot

Plus, Seinfeld Conservatism, and an economist accidentally proves his uselessness

Does Anyone Know What’s Going on in This Economy?

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from around the web over the last week to better understand America.
