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Is It Time for an American Industrial Policy?

American Compass’s Oren Cass participates in a written debate with Duke University’s Michael Munger over the need for American industrial policy.

Failing a Test on Trade

Professor Dan Drezner has been crudely criticizing Senator Josh Hawley’s New York Times op-ed on U.S. withdrawal from the WTO—treating it  “the way one would treat an undergrad paper in global political economy,” awarding a C-minus, and offering the feedback that, “You can do better work than this, Josh. Put in the effort, do more research and make sharper arguments next time.” He exposes the fundamental weakness of his critique though, with the claim that “Hawley prefers exiting the WTO and rejecting the estimated $2.1 trillion in benefits from trade,” in the process demonstrating exactly what simplistic economic analyses of trade policy get wrong.

What They Are Saying About the American Compass Launch

American Compass launched in early May to widespread media coverage and generous praise from politicians, scholars, and commentators.

“Pay Parents” Isn’t a Pro-Family Position

Debates over family policy are centering on the idea that households should be “paid” for raising children.

Recovering the American Tradition of Economic Policy

American Compass’s Wells King and Oren Cass and American Affairs’ Julius Krein summarize their arguments from Rebooting the American System in this short adaptation.

Special Episode of The Editors: Rich Lowry and Oren Cass

Rich Lowry interviews Oren Cass about the launch of American Compass.

A Note of Introduction

Welcome to American Compass. Our mission is to restore an economic consensus that emphasizes the importance of family, community, and industry to the nation’s liberty and prosperity.

Removing the Blinders From Economic Policy

Remove the blinders of economic fundamentalism, and it is impossible not to see the social, legal, historical, and institutional scaffolding that buttresses a growing economy, and the role that public policy must play in its construction and maintenance.

The Wall Street Journal Goes Negative

One of the nation’s leading opinion platforms cuts a two-minute attack ad against American Compass for prompting debate.

Hayek’s Broken Promise

It is a tragedy that Friedrich Hayek’s excesses, invested with the authority of his (deserved) reputation, became the unexamined default for right-of-center economic thinking in America.

National Review Logo
The Return of Conservative Economics

Today we are announcing the formation of American Compass, an organization dedicated to helping American conservatism recover from its chronic case of market fundamentalism.

Comparative Disadvantage

If comparative advantage is created rather than discovered, refusing to play the game has consequences.
