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What Next: A Multi-Ethnic, Working-Class Conservatism

Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Anthony Gonzalez join American Compass executive director Oren Cass for a conversation about how to build a conservative agenda that appeals to a multi-ethnic, working-class base.

Conservative Analysts Release First Comprehensive Review of Trump Administration, Drawing Lessons for Post-Trump Agenda

PRESS RELEASE—American Compass’s December collection, in partnership with The American Conservative, provides a retrospective analysis of the Trump administration.

A Populism Deferred

Trump’s transitional presidency lacked the vision and agenda necessary to let go of GOP orthodoxy.

Too Few of the President’s Men

An iconoclast’s administration will struggle to find personnel both experienced and aligned.

Foreword: The Work Remains

President Trump told many truths, but one also has to act.

Some Like It Hot

Unsustainable economic stimulus at an expansion’s peak, not tax cuts or tariffs, fueled the Trump boom.

What Happened

The Trump Presidency in Review

What Happened: The Trump Presidency in Review

Ross Douthat, Rachel Bovard, Oren Cass, and Arthur Bloom discuss what happened: the degree to which personnel is policy, how the economy performed during the Trump presidency, and what a forward-looking, post-Trump agenda should encompass.

The Potpourri Presidency

A decentralized and conflicted administration was uniquely inconsistent in its policy actions.

The Pandemic’s Postliberal Pull

Within 48 hours of Thanksgiving, two documents were released that addressed this year’s seasonal theme: how to balance private liberty and salus populi. 

The Revolution™

On June 1, early in the BLM uproar, I went to Union Square to view a protest march. The empty concrete canyons echoed with chants as two or three thousand people walked past. Clench-jawed Deputy Commissioner Terrance Monahan brought up the rear, flanked by ranks of police officers

Roger Scruton: Philosopher of the “Small World”

In a discussion with the journalist Toby Young on the Quillette podcast earlier this year, the Conservative politician Daniel Hannan suggested that the influence of the late philosopher Sir Roger Scruton (1944–2020) “is only going to grow with each passing year.”

The Future of the Biden and Trump Coalitions

While Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States and Donald Trump will join the small club of incumbents who could not get re-elected, it’s fair to say that Biden’s triumph was not so overwhelming that it even begins to settle the question of which party will dominate the 2020s.

Progressive Hypocrisy and Our COVID Lockdown Opportunity

As large swaths of the country prepare to re-enter COVID-19 lockdowns—my current city of Denver, for instance, banned all indoor dining just last week—it is worth pausing to again lament the ham-fisted, blunderbuss nature of most of these virus-fighting measures.

The Limits of the Realignment

Not many talking points survived November’s narratological cull. The assumption that high turnout would crush Republicans down ballot turned out to be false, with both parties seeing a groundswell of Read more…

Obama’s America Is Trump’s America Is Biden’s America

American Compass’s Oren Cass discusses the 2020 election, arguing that the outcome simply tells us who will govern us, not who we are.

Big Business Is Not Our Friend

My friend Ryan Williams, Claremont Institute president, had an important tweet thread shortly before the election.

The Birth of a Multi-Ethnic, Working-Class Conservatism

American Compass’s Oren Cass argues that the future of conservatism lies in a multi-ethnic, working-class coalition.

Worker’s Party—or Pro-Worker Power Shift?

In the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump’s share of the white vote shrank while his share of the nonwhite vote increased.

A New Coalition, if You Can Keep It

As the pundits, campaigns, and lawyers continue to unpack this election, there are a few things we know for certain.
