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Another Window Into America’s Two-Tiered System of Justice

It isn’t just about criminal punishments and presidential pardons

Trump Can Bend Biden’s Industrial Policy To Suit Him

America appears on the cusp of an era of large-scale domestic investment in areas from semiconductors to energy

Tax Cuts for the Coalition We Have

The old GOP dictated Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. His new coalition should shape its future.

Please Don’t Send Me, or Anyone, ChatGPT’s Policy Ideas

A useful lesson in AI capabilities, and the misunderstandings thereof

Hmm, Well, Yes, Expanding Government-Funded Addiction Treatment Does Count As GDP Growth

And more from this week…

Checking Corporate Power with FTC Chair Lina Khan

FTC Chair Lina Khan joins Oren for a wide-ranging conversation about corporate power and how best to rein it in.

Trump’s Agencies After Chevron

Overruling Chevron limits agencies’ ability to decide questions of law, but not questions of policy

Here’s How the Return of American Industry Will Actually Look

Feat. the one stupid party trick you need to amaze the economists in your life…

Life, Liberty, and the Over Adjusted to 38.5 Parlayed with the Money-Line

And more from this week…

What DOGE Could Do with Santi Ruiz

IFP’s Santi Ruiz joins Oren to talk about government efficiency, DOGE, and how the Trump admin could revitalize the way government works.

How the Decline of Evangelicalism Helped Elect Donald Trump

Loosening social mores cleared a way once blocked by the Moral Majority

The Program That Provides Health Care, Not Insurance Subsidies

Conservatives should double down on the Health Center Program as an alternative to Obamacare

Nice Conservative Blueprint, Who’s Gonna Build It?

How to fund a movement of, by, and for ordinary Americans

Don’t Think the Globalization Debate Is Over? Watch This Video.

And more from this week…

The Collapse of Parenting with Dr. Leonard Sax

Dr. Leonard Sax joins Oren to discuss the disastrous state of modern parenting and what can be done to fix it

Breaking China’s Pharma Death Grip

Washington has the industrial-policy toolkit to unwind America’s dependence on Chinese medicines

A Great Time to Restrict Outbound Investment

A newly unified Republican Congress has an opportunity to hit Chinese tech

The Rise of the Pro-Worker Republican

Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Labor puts meat on the bones for a working-class GOP

If the Affluence We Pursued Brought Us to This, of What Use Was the Affluence?

A quality-of-life debate at the American Enterprise Institute takes a surprising turn…

How the Flip Immigration Flip-Flops Flop

And more from this week…
