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Oren Cass Joins the Weekly Show with Jon Stewart

Oren joins Jon Stewart for a wide-ranging conversation about the future of conservative economics.

Republicans’ Recurring Family Policy Fight

Supporting the indispensable institution is deeply conservative

The New Right and the Fed

Conservatives should recognize it as an extension of the uniparty that needs changing

What Parents Want with Ivana Greco

Ivana Greco joins the American Compass Podcast to make sense of what parents, particularly those who stay at home with their kids, think family policy should look like.

The Houses Will Rot in the Fields…

With a special guest appearance by former president Bill Clinton!

Mapping Out the 2024 Stakes

House control, often overlooked, could be deeply consequential post-election

New Report Finds Private Equity, Venture Capital Performance Has Faltered, Hedge Funds Lag Indices

PRESS RELEASE — An updated review of the private finance finds the industry’s performance to be on-par with, or trailing behind, public markets

Coin-Flip Capitalism: Q2 2024 Update

A review of the latest developments in the private equity, venture capital, and hedge fund sectors.

It’s Time for U.S. To End Normal Trade Relations With China

The United States’ decision to grant Permanent Normal Trade Relations to China was wrong. We need a new strategy to fix it.

The Heartland’s Political Realignment with Sarah Smarsh

Journalist and best-selling author Sarah Smarsh joins Oren to talk about the political realignment taking place in America’s Heartland.

Old-Right Failures Are New Lefty Talking Points

Vance’s debate showing highlights where the Right is heading, and what it must leave behind

The Childcare Subsidies Will Increase Until Morale Improves

Family policy should deliver middle-class security, not progressive politics

A Harvard Econ Prof Comes to Bury, Not Praise, His Profession

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from across the web over the last week to better understand America

U.S. Union Members And Leaders Are Not Always On The Same Page

The data behind the Teamsters’ refusal to endorse a candidate may be more widespread than we think

The End of Job Growth

Declining fertility is already harming the labor market

Different Ways of Getting the Wrong Answer on Poverty

Neither ‘free’ money nor blanket work requirements address the different types of assistance needed

All Who Squander Are Lost

How trade deficits, like budget deficits, mortgage our future for consumption today

Conservatives Must Resist Musk-ification

Elon Musk’s definition of “efficiency” hurts American industry and workers

New Report Provides Blueprint for Rescinding China’s Trade Status

PRESS RELEASE — New report makes the case for revoking China’s “Permanent Normal Trade Relations” status and implementing a new set of tariff rates

Rethinking China’s Trade Status with Mark DiPlacido

Policy advisor Mark DiPlacido joins Oren to discuss why and how policymakers should rethink U.S. trade with China.
