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Back to Work

An executive blueprint to strengthen families, communities, and industry

Trump Is About to Face the Choice That Dooms Many Presidencies

Oren writes for the New York Times about an unconventional step Trump can take to deliver on his promise to fight for everyday Americans

A Rosetta Stone for the Past Decade in American Politics

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from across the web over the last week to better understand America

Understanding the Trump Voter with Batya Ungar-Sargon

Batya Ungar-Sargon joins to discuss the multi-ethnic working-class coalition that elected Trump and the policies that would support them

The Once and Future President

Trump won with a surprising coalition. How does he keep it?

‘Great Again’ is a Promise

Understanding Trump’s appeal, and the realignment it could portend

Revolt of the Normies

Trump’s victory is a win for everyday Americans, at the expense of the elites

Trump’s Victory and the Realignment with Michael Needham

American Compass Chairman Michael Needham joins Oren to discuss Trump’s landslide victory and the political realignment that made it possible.

Trump’s Victory Makes Clear: America Is Still America

Voters embraced Trump’s vision of American destiny over Harris’s dystopian vision of decline

In Defeat, One More Chance to Get It Right

Defending democracy is for losers (in a good way!)…

The Lie Progressives Tell Themselves About Immigration

Plus, CHIPS dips then flips, and the young men up for grabs this election…

You Hold Your Election with the System You Have

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from across the web over the last week to better understand America

Is Academic ‘Wokeness’ in Remission?

New developments may seem promising, but the real problems are deeper

The Young Men Up For Grabs

Young non-white men are key swing voters in 2024, but Democrats don’t speak to them

Elite Misalignment

Understanding the break between elite and everyday interests

A Tech Off-Ramp for Kids with Clare Morell

Clare Morell joins the American Compass Podcast to discuss kids’ addiction to tech, and what governments can do about it.

America On-the-Line

The digital era’s addictive technologies are undermining the foundations of our self-governing republic

Democracy and Culture on the Ballot

One campaign offers a shared culture. The other, disintegrative notions of “diversity.”

We All Have Dreams, but What’s the American Reality?

For most, seeking fortune in the big city ain’t it

The Case of the Disappearing Industrial Crown Jewels…Cracked.

A roundup from Oren Cass about what you should be reading from across the web over the last week to better understand America
