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The Case for a Hard Break With China

In Foreign Affairs, Oren Cass and Gabriela Rodriguez make the case for why economic de-risking is not enough

‘Freedom Conservatism’ Is Much Ado About Nothing

Reheating stale free-market dogma does nothing to address the challenges facing today’s American right, argues Oren Cass in the Financial Times.

Yes, Financialization Is Real

Oren Cass responds to the Cato Institute’s Norbert Michel misguided critique of American Compass’s financialization research.

Remarks on Family Affordability at AEI

Oren Cass discusses the Cost-of-Thriving Index and the affordability of middle-class life in America at the American Enterprise Institute.

A Labor Shortage Is a Great Problem to Have

Today’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the unemployment rate continuing to hold close to its lowest level in 70 years, despite a slight uptick last month. This might seem Read more…

American Conservatives Are Working on the Railroads

The Railway Safety Act has made concrete the ideological debate raging between conservatives and libertarians over the role of government regulation in the free market.

Jobs Americans Would Do

A more productive conversation about raising workers’ wages

Joe Biden’s chips choices undermine bipartisan industrial initiatives

The White House is discrediting its promotion of domestic semiconductor production by linking it to childcare

The Undeniable Success of Israeli Industrial Policy

A prominent public role in R&D, business subsidies, and restrictions that keep both knowledge and production within our borders are not incompatible with rapid economic growth and technological progress.

At SVB, the Market Was the Failure

The market failure is that market actors are fallible and their efforts at pursuing their own interests do not necessarily lead smoothly to efficient outcomes that serve themselves or the common good.

The Corporation Needs a New Story

In National Review, Oren Cass argues that corporations no longer have owners in the way they once did, with far-reaching ramifications for our economy.

Ordinary Americans Are Counting the Cost of Thriving

In the Financial Times, Oren Cass discusses the pressure on American families illustrated by the 2023 Cost-of-Thriving Index.

The 2023 Cost-of-Thriving Index

Tracking the catastrophic erosion of middle-class life in America

Ferment of Change Lurks in Republican Chaos

The unfolding spectacle of a US House of Representatives in disarray, unable to elect a Speaker, should be a common one.

Founder’s Letter: The Libertarians Have Left the Building

On plotting the progress of a paradigm shift

Liz Truss, Supply-Side Crush

American Compass executive director Oren Cass discusses Liz Truss’s disastrous time as prime minister and the irrational response from supply-siders.

Skills Gaps Will Force Companies to Do Right by Their Compatriots

Employers who profited from cheap foreign labour cannot now gripe at having to train local workers, writes American Compass executive director Oren Cass.

Where Have All the Young Men Gone?

The question of who would pursue non-college pathways, if they were offered, is one that has bedeviled education reform debates for decades.

Liberty and Tariffs for All

Free international trade is not a vital tenet of liberty in the American tradition; it was adopted, in Burtka’s words, “for the worst reasons and delivered the worst results.”

The Successful Policy That Progressives Love To Hate

American Compass executive director Oren Cass discusses a recent report analyzing the effects of welfare reform on child poverty, and how progressives fail to understand the importance of work in designing social safety net programs.
