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Keeping Up with the Jones Act

American Compass policy advisor Gabriela Rodriguez discusses the Jones Act, shipping and supply chains, and striking a balance between national security and consumer interests.

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: Public Pension Accountability

On this episode, Oren Cass and Chris Griswold discuss the need for transparent reporting requirements for public pension funds.

Policy Brief: Public Pension Accountability

Require transparency in management of public money

Critics Corner with Steven Kaplan

Oren Cass is joined by private equity expert Steven Kaplan to discuss leveraged buyouts, bankruptcy, and the effects on workers.

Cost of Thriving Index Tracks Middle-Class Struggles

Spotlight on Poverty & Opportunity highlights American Compass’s Cost-of-Thriving Index

Policy Brief: Local Content Requirements

Spur private investment, innovation, and competition by guaranteeing demand for domestic production

Time Unhad but Not Unspent 

In The American Conservative, Micah Meadowcroft discusses the Cost-of-Thriving Index and how economic constraints make family formation more difficult.

Why Are So Many Americans Sour on the Economy? Look at This New Data.

In The Washington Post, Henry Olsen discusses the Cost-of-Thriving Index’s findings about the difficulty of raising a family in the middle class today.

Cost-of-Thriving Index Shows Middle-Class Life Unaffordable in America

A typical worker cannot afford to support a family anywhere in the United States, according to the 2023 Cost-of-Thriving Index.

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: Banning the BA Box

On this episode of Policy in Brief, Oren Cass and Chris Griswold are joined by Jonathan Berry to discuss a proposal to ban bachelor’s degree requirements in hiring.

Policy Brief: Banning Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

Prohibit employers from making a bachelor’s degree a job requirement

Can the GOP Become a Real Working-Class Party?

The drama in the House of Representatives that ended on Jan. 7 with the late-night election of Kevin McCarthy as speaker after four days and 15 ballots revealed a Republican Read more…

Talkin’ (Policy) Shop: A Monthly Family Benefit

In the spirit of the holidays, this episode of Policy in Brief focuses on the family and what public policy can do to support this vital institution.

Policy Brief: A Monthly Family Benefit

Help working families with the costs of raising children

The GOP’s New Path to the Future

A new approach to tech policy is taking root in the GOP, and it’s not what you might expect from the party of Alan Greenspan and Friedrich Hayek. Led by a Read more…

American Compass Releases Conservative Economic Agenda for 118th Congress

Today, American Compass is releasing New Direction: Conservative Principles & Policies for the 118th Congress, an agenda for economic renewal, focused on the interests of worker, their families and communities, and the nation.

Policy Brief: Worker-Run Benefits

Permit workers to administer their own employee benefits through organizations they control

Policy Brief: The Global Tariff

Levy a tariff on all imports that rises until trade is balanced

Policy Brief: The Market Access Charge

Make American goods more attractive to foreigners than American assets

Policy Brief: The Import Certificate

Balance trade by requiring importers to purchase credits from exporters.
