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The Ramifications of a Regime-Level Politics

The quite clearly collusive actions of the Big Tech giants, in recent days, accelerate even further the national reckoning that has been overdue at least since Big Tech’s coordinated “Pearl Harbor attack” against the nation’s fourth-largest newspaper on the precipice of the monumental recent presidential election.

Is There a Case for Principled Populism From the GOP?

Marshall Auerback discusses how a principled populism that addresses working-class interests could emerge in the GOP.

What Now? A Conversation On Where Conservatives Go After the Trump Presidency

American Compass’s Oren Cass, WSJ’s Gerald F. Seib, and author George F. Will discuss the future of the conservative movement, co-hosted with the Wall Street Journal.

Industrial Policy Must Account for Worker Attitudes

n a recent post about the relationship between family trends and the skills gap I noted that for some of the young adults my husband David and I interviewed in southwestern Ohio, trauma and addiction make it difficult to take advantage of the employment opportunities that do exist.

The Trump Apocalypse

In popular parlance an “apocalypse” means an epic disaster. As a simple transliteration of Greek (apocalypsis) the literal meaning is more pedestrian: “uncovering,” or to use a fancier word, “revelation.” But one understands the popular sense, for it is often unsettling (or worse) when the true nature of things is revealed. This is the case in last book of the New Testament, which bears the name Apocalypse.

Media After Trump

There can be no doubt that Trump gave the press the back of his hand. His refusal to kowtow to upscale media brands offended the vanity of high-level reporters, editors, Read more…

What Next: A Multi-Ethnic, Working-Class Conservatism

Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Anthony Gonzalez join American Compass executive director Oren Cass for a conversation about how to build a conservative agenda that appeals to a multi-ethnic, working-class base.

What Happened: The Trump Presidency in Review

Ross Douthat of the New York Times, Rachel Bovard of the Conservative Partnership Institute, and Oren Cass of American Compass speak with Arthur Bloom of The American Conservative about what they see as the key lessons of the Trump administration.

Oren Cass: What Went WRONG And RIGHT Under Donald Trump

American Compass’s Oren Cass joins Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti to discuss the Trump Presidency’s successes and failures.

Wells King Joins Dan Proft to Discuss “The Potpourri Presidency”

American Compass’s Wells King joined Dan Proft to discuss his contribution to What Happened: The Trump Presidency in Review, “The Potpourri Presidency.”

What Next: A Multi-Ethnic, Working-Class Conservatism

Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Anthony Gonzalez join American Compass executive director Oren Cass for a conversation about how to build a conservative agenda that appeals to a multi-ethnic, working-class base.

Conservative Analysts Release First Comprehensive Review of Trump Administration, Drawing Lessons for Post-Trump Agenda

PRESS RELEASE—American Compass’s December collection, in partnership with The American Conservative, provides a retrospective analysis of the Trump administration.

A Populism Deferred

Trump’s transitional presidency lacked the vision and agenda necessary to let go of GOP orthodoxy.

Too Few of the President’s Men

An iconoclast’s administration will struggle to find personnel both experienced and aligned.

Foreword: The Work Remains

President Trump told many truths, but one also has to act.

Some Like It Hot

Unsustainable economic stimulus at an expansion’s peak, not tax cuts or tariffs, fueled the Trump boom.

What Happened

The Trump Presidency in Review

What Happened: The Trump Presidency in Review

Ross Douthat, Rachel Bovard, Oren Cass, and Arthur Bloom discuss what happened: the degree to which personnel is policy, how the economy performed during the Trump presidency, and what a forward-looking, post-Trump agenda should encompass.

The Potpourri Presidency

A decentralized and conflicted administration was uniquely inconsistent in its policy actions.

The Pandemic’s Postliberal Pull

Within 48 hours of Thanksgiving, two documents were released that addressed this year’s seasonal theme: how to balance private liberty and salus populi. 
